News Update: Fascia Research
Written By: Jeffery Dalhouse, RMT, Myofascial Specialist
Greetings, everybody! I just love fascia-- I continually come across research, articles, history and therapies about it-- which is why I joined the MTAM Research committee, to justify and perhaps focus my continual pursuit. Over the past year the committee toured Brandon, Winkler and Winnipeg with the Fascia Roadshow, presenting selections from the 2012 Fascia Research Congress held in Vancouver, BC. It was inspiring to be around so many people who are passionate about the same things; sadly there wasn't enough time to reach out and talk to the other therapists. As a follow up to the Fascia Roadshow, I am hoping to continue the dialogue by presenting ideas, research, and articles to create discussion and get a feel for the the trending topic of fascia.
I'll be posting a weekly summary of the latest information about fascia that I come across, and I encourage you to send me links to articles and research that interests you. Please feel free to post links to your recent fascia articles or discoveries, as well as open dialogue with others in the comments section below. I'll be saving them to grow a searchable online database.
Since this is the my first research summary, it is fitting to feature introductory articles to establish what we are talking about, and to understand its relevance. Simply click on the links below:
How a mysterious body part called fascia is challenging Medicine
Why fascia matters
Physiology of Fascia
The Case for Pain Relief: 5 Research Studies for Massage Therapists
What is fascia? A review of different nomenclatures
Translating fascia research into techniques we can use
Compilation of somatic practises
Next week:
- Research and notes from previous Fascia Congresses
- Key people involved in fascia research
Remember, this is a forum to open up intriguing and positive communications with other professionals. Please feel free to post anything you feel you would like to share in the comments section below. I look forward to hearing from you!
Jeffery Dalhouse, RMT, Myofascial Specialist