Offer Kuban



Offer graduated from Vancouver's West Coast College of Massage Therapy in 1991 and practiced in multidisciplinary settings for about 10 years. He then took a hiatus from practicing massage therapy to travel, work on his writing, and photograph throughout the Eastern Seaboard.

He explored various other careers in Canada, including Medical Transcription and a stint in the food & wine industry. After that, he returned to the massage therapy profession here in Manitoba.

A proud Massage Therapy Association of Manitoba member since 2018, he has volunteered on MTAM committees and was invited to join the Board of Directors in 2019. After a brief term as First Vice President, he was elected MTAM President in 2022 and is honoured to continue serving in that capacity.

Continuing education over the past few years has enhanced Offer's focus on better understanding and treating temporomandibular joint-related concerns, which may or may not include dysfunction/disorder (TMJD).

When not in the office, Offer is usually busy writing fiction, reading great books or hosting/producing a podcast featuring authors and their works.