"Our Favourite Things of 2014"~First Team Building Weekend!
Each and every one of us works continually to live out their passion for their craft. Many of us consider ourselves "eternal students". We take continuing education, attend conferences, and collaborate with outside colleagues. On breaks, you will find some of us with our noses in textbooks, or flipping through articles on an iPad. Jeffery even sits on the Research committee for the Massage Therapy Association of Manitoba (MTAM). While every practitioners skill is powerful in its own right, how about in tandem with their fellow teammate? Well, we don't call ourselves the "EQ Wellness Team" for nothing. Together we are passionate about working to take you as far on your path to healing and wellness as possible.
You won't ever find a hockey team playing on the ice without doing drills together first. While we obviously are not that kind of team, we take working together very seriously. We cannot cross-refer with one another, collaborate, or put our heads together to help you if we don't know what everyone else is doing.
Life within the clinic on a daily basis is very busy. Sometimes we only get to "see" one another through the small amount of noise or presence we experience through the wall from our own treatment room to the next. Consultation takes place when needed and staff meetings get scheduled, but to go really deep and connect with all that is driving us we need more time.
Just before winter, we all decided to retreat from the norms of daily life, and into the woods at Falcon Trails Resort. Here we shared, educated, exchanged treatments, had fireside chats, and deep contemplations in the wood-burning sauna. We even banded together and cooked a full turkey dinner! Coming home with a renewed sense of where we all were going both together and separately, we were fuelled with new inspirations for where to grow in 2015.
Sincerest of thanks for making us all a part of your wellness journey.
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