News Update: How Fascia Research is Organized
Did you know that Jeffery Dalhouse, and Alicia Dowd affectionately call themselves "Fascia Nerds"? When it comes to the topic of Fascia, they are the two most passionate individuals on our wellness team. Both are Principal Therapists with over ten years of experience under each of their belts. When you experience their treatment one can see how proficient they are at "reading, and unwinding" the fascia in the human body.
Within the last year, Jeffery has become heavily involved with the MTAM research committee. This week, he once again put together a series of good reads for those passionate about fascia. Whether you are a valued peer, colleague or patient of the clinic please don't hesitate to start a conversation below should you feel inspired.
The First International Fascia Research Congress by Bethany Ward
Fascia Research Creates Opportunities for Community and Personal Growth by Bethany Ward
A Massage Therapist's Perspective on the Fascia Research Congresses by Tracey N. Lloyd
Fascia Research from a Clinician/Scientist's Perspective by Tom Findley
Fascia Research Congress book ***
Translating Fascia Research into techniques you can use by Bethany Ward
Can we describe what we do? By Leon Chaitow
Tune in Next Week!
- Input from the MTAM research committee
- putting together the pieces
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